Sunday, April 27, 2008

Internet Lesson 9

The two internet searches that I used were dogpile and yahoo kids. I chose these because I knew that they would give different search profiles. Yahoo kids is a site that does not allow advertisements and as seen above it gave me sites that are all about Alaska for kids. The sites however are not listed in any particular order, you could search this again and again and get different answers each time. Most of these sites are sites that are made by kids or schools or foundations and are not necessarily factual. Yahoo kids does search its own site first for information and then the web for kid friendly sites. Dogpile on the other hand searched and found one million sites in 1.3 seconds. The first two pages of searches are advertisements for cruises or vacations in Alaska and the next three were for condos in Hawaii, even though I searched just 'Alaska'. This is due to keywords and linking certain words together in searches so that your website will come up no matter what is searhced. These tags are useful for people that use them the right way but advertisers use them for everthing so in the end they pop up an ad for a Hawaii vacation when a person searches for information on Alaska. One search engine is not better or worse then the other. If you can get a look at their protocols and search standards you will see that the majority of search engines search keywords and not actual content of the pages, this is what pops up the adverts and errors. By utilizing boolean symbols you can decrease the number of errors that you receive.

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