Monday, June 23, 2008 Review

Here is the link to my screencast of the review.


This review was done using Jing.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Web Page Prospectus

The webpage that I designed was for my mother's new company PartyTenders. PartyTenders is a company based in South Florida that takes care of the party needs of clients. It helps them get catering, service help, and lighting design. I met with my mom and we talked about the design elements that she wanted to use in her website. We settled on three main elements.
1. Black backgrounds
2. Music
3. Framed Pictures

After we had decided on the three elements I did some preliminary mock-ups of each of the pages and we then settled upon the four webpages that I posted.

The home page has a simple picture using the blue in the writing to reflect in the visual. Behind the scenes a violin piece by Itzak Perlman plays and below the simple heading are three buttons that link to the other pages. There are a total of three links per page that navigate the website effectively.

The contact us page has three pictures and a form that I made from that I linked into the html of the page so that perspective clients can contact PartyTenders for a quote on their next event. Thirdly there is an email link at the top of the page that will open up the users mail program to send a personal email to the partytenders email address.

About us has a different layout and allows the user to learn more about the business and the themes that it provides.

Finally the services page lists the things that the business does as well as providing a vague enough description on price and time so that it can be customized for the individual user.

Throughout the website there are pictures that relate to the idea of partys, service, and decoration done by PartyTenders. Each picture has a refection and a frame that was available in iWeb. These pages were blank and I designed them from scratch using iWeb.

This site was posted on as well as my web folder at augsburg to be graded.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Class Notes

I admit that I did not take any class notes that are seperate from what I have written about in the short reviews of the books and movies. I did not feel as if I had to take notes in order to gain a broader understanding of the course.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Postman's Technopoly

I was very engrossed in this book. I had never thought about how we as a society are controlled by not only the visible technology of computers and such but also by the invisible stuff like IQ scores and statistics. Postman believes that the computer and technology intrude into culture and I have to say that I do not see it that way. The computer can integrate culture into technology and visa versa to enhance society. After reading this book I did take a look at my daily routine to see how often I am controlled by a technology decision and found it to be so intermeshed in my life that I couldn't distinguish between the tech part and the non-tech part.